Friday, August 15, 2008

My Dream

Pamelah's Dream

One of the dreams I've had for many years has been to create a CD/album of me singing. In 2002 just after I published my first book on the heart lines in the hands, Your Heart is In Your Hands, the next inspiration/desire was to create a CD of songs that represent the heart line. I took some steps towards that dream by going into the studio and recording 12 songs over a couple of days. For years I've listened to the sound tracks, discarded a couple of them because they weren't really a match for my voice even though the words were perfect. And then I also spent the next 5 years doing a lot of deep emotional work that helped change the sound of my singing voice to a point where I was really to put it on 'record' literally.

One day in May of 2008 I knew it was time to go back to the studio and record the vocals. Using some of the sound tracks that had been recorded in 2002, and some new ones, in two sessions the CD was complete. And my dream satisfied. And I must say even if nobody ever heard it, I felt SO good about not only accomplishing my dream, but being able to listen to my voice.

A wise woman said a few times, "the sound of your voice is the sound of your soul," and "your voice is your own homeopathic healer."

When I get really stressed out out of my body from worry about something, or overwhelmed, I play my CD of recently recorded songs and can feel my body start to relax, my mind lets go of the worry and I begin to feel a shift of healing happen. So no matter the effect on others, my dream is realized and I'm very happy about having allowed myself permission to have the dream, to take action on it and trust the right timing of the manifestation.

And now if course I want to record more songs because truthfully, being in a studio recording and hearing myself sing with John Hoy being musician, producer and sound engineer is one of my truly favorite ways to spend time. It is such a soulfully satisfying experience.

If you want to hear some clips of this CD, go to and scroll down to the Heart Lines section. There are 3 audio clips.

So my next dream in this realm is a question still: I want to record another CD but haven't quite figured out what topic. More heart lines songs? Songs that represent what it feels like to life your Life Purpose or striving to reach for it? Songs about creative expression? Or just songs I love to sing that feel inspiring?

If you have an opinion on what you'd like to hear, I'm open since I'm in the exploratory phase of the next CD.

I do what to share that it's never too late to live your dream and it's certainly NEVER to late to have one.

What is your dream? It can be a big one or little one and you can have more than one.
Warmly and with great appreciation for your participation,